~betterthanslicedbread~ comment and follow me!

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Beauty and the Briefcase

ok so, i just watched beauty and the briefcase. best. movie. ever. i loved it, and i deff wanna watch it again:) im so ready for love lol jk but seriously, if the 'right guy' came right now i wouldnt object lol ;))

Monday, March 8, 2010

heebie jeebies

ok so, me and mama were working on homework at around 8:30 and we hear a whistling sound outside our house. we listen to it go on and off. mama thought it was nothing but it creeped me out. then i hear it again and ask daddy to go see what it is. well he didnt see anything which creeped me out even more. i asked mama if i could peek out of the window, but when i got close, i wimped out frearing that a face was going to look me in the eye when i look out of the blinds. we came to the conclusion that is was a ghost whistler.....;)

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Maw haw haw haw (evil laugh)

ok so, mama and daddy are going to a friends retirement party. so of course that means PAR-TAY! lol juuust kidding ;) im not that kind of girl. id rather have a few friends over than have a wild party. but i have no earthly 'idear' what i want to do!:( if you have any ideas comment below. thanks

Friday, February 26, 2010

Frontline-the big event

this was bigger than i expected. in the schools alone, 140 teenagers were saved and at Frontline 88 were saved.

about an hour before Frontline started, the first person arrived.:) after that, the people came and came and came. my mama and another lady sold shirts, DVD's, and CD's for Kevin and Randy. then, when we had the place packed(about 650 to 700 people) the band started to play. and i had no idea that Kevin Derryberry's band was still mostly in high school! the youngest band member was 15! and could play a mean drum! they were pretty cute;) lol but after a good bit of jammin out, Randy Hogue spoke. wow. in a nut shell, he loves us, God loves us, and he deff doesnt want us to go 'the bad place' -if ya know what i mean. he was fantastic. people were crying,including me(and im usually a stone!), and coming to the front to get counseling. after it cleared out a little the band started singing 'I have decieded to follow Jesus', and let me tell you, that did NOT help the crying! when the hugging and crying fest was over, we went to the other building and ate pizza and hung out.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Frontline-Part 1

wow where do i start? ok, what is Frontline you ask? it is a yearly event at my church when we have a speaker/evangelist and a band. this year our speaker is Randy Hogue and the band is Kevin Derryberry and his band. we usually have Frontline in February. they go into the schools around our county and give a little taste of what we will have friday. my sister and daddy and other church members help move equipment and stuff from school to school. at one of the schools today 40 people were saved! talk about an amazing God! Friday is when we have the big event, THE concert. most years our whole church is filled with teenagers(except last year when there was a huge storm which put a big damper on the number of people (pun intended)). tonight(wednesday) they showed the Wednesday-nighters a little of what they will do fri. and our youth group came in "big" church to listen. it was very amazing, 4 of our youth group got saved and 2 rededicated their lives. if just the schools and a wednesday night gathering did that, i am sooo ready to see what will happen on friday! and they still have a full day's worth of schools to go to tomorrow!

be sure you revisit my blog to find out what happens!
Sara Catherine

school and stuff :(

ok so, mama made me sign up to take the ACT test. ive been taking practice tests in a book i have and it's not fun at all! lol i guess i'll live. i also have a rescearch/book report im working on(so much fun i can hardly handle it). my favorite subject is algebra 2 but there are only about 23 questions in a lesson:( my least fave is history and of course i think there is to much to read in that, plus answering questions for homework.

well i gotta go, ttyl, bye bye, ill be back soon, may the force be with you(my friend always says that lol)
Sara Catherine

Tuesday, February 23, 2010


i am currently watching the olympics with daddy. i STILL dont know the point of sweeping the ice furiously ahead of a weird puck thing, but whatever tickles their peach, right?

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